What about essentials or unexpected items? What about birthday parties and gifts? This is such a good question. We got totally lucky and didn't have any crazy unexpected expenses like a flat tire or health emergency this month, so I guess I'm not exactly sure how that would have gone. My husband's car suddenly needed new brakes, but we decided to wait until the month was over. (And still haven't done that... whoops.) As far as essentials, I already mentioned how my "prepping" mentality took care of that. Birthday parties!! Such a great question. So maybe this is totally unoriginal of me or maybe it's genius, I'll let you decide... but whenever I find an awesome toy or game at a great price, I'll buy one (or two or three) and stick them in our gift cupboard. I've even bought gift cards when they're on sale to have on hand. You never know when you'll want to surprise a friend with a little pick-me-up or get invited super last minute to a party. The gift cupboard has saved my life at least nine times. My baby girl actually turned 3 this month, but (before even knowing we'd do this no spending challenge) I had already bought her gifts after Christmas. We had a little potluck dessert party with family and she thought it was amazing. Once again, gift cupboard to the rescue!!
What did you miss the most? Oh gosh... probably Target. I just finally went for the first time in OVER a month and it kind of felt like walking through the gates of heaven. But then as we were walking around, this part of me kept thinking - look at all this stuff that I don't need. I'm proud to say I waltzed outta there spending less than $12. Twelve dollars ya'll. Pretty sure that's a lifetime record for me. I'm a changed woman (for now)!!
How much did you save? This is the pretty crazy part. So I mentioned earlier that we've been actively trying to spend less and save more. Well, compared to our average spending over the last six months, we spent $2800 LESS this month. {To clarify, I took what we spent each month for the past 6 months and divided by 6 to get that "average" number.} Also - wow factor here: that's including a credit card payment of $1200 we made from last month's spending!! (We have a couple credit cards like Southwest airlines that we intentionally use each month and then pay off to get the points for flights, etc.) When we did the math, my husband and I were BLOWN AWAY. I still don't even know what we've been spending all our money on. I don't even get it. I do know though, that most of it was completely unnecessary.
Would you do it again? What would you do differently? We're planning to do it again for sure. I think we'll do it at least once a year around Spring time (maybe February next year - less days, ha!). As far as what we'd do differently - I'd make sure we had a little more meat and bread stocked up (and maybe some treats). I'd also talk more with the kids about why we're doing it so they can be more involved. Sidenote: all my kids have their own money and they each chose to do the no spending month along with us!!
How has this challenge changed you? Now that the month is over, do you want to spend a ton? Considering I walked out of Target spending less than $15 should speak volumes. I'm not a big spender, really - but I think it's all the little things that add up. $5 here, $20 here... it can add up quick! This month has helped me to be much more aware of my spending habits and what things we actually need. I'm motivated to keep the momentum we're on. It feels so good to be in control and to see the fruits of our labors! So if anything, it's been the opposite of wanting to go out and spend a ton! I've been very reserved and aware. Fingers crossed it'll stick! That being said, we aren't being quite as strict now that the month is over. It's definitely not something we could maintain long-term, nor do I think we should. I mean, isn't the reason we make money is to enjoy it and have it work for us?
Tips for those who want to give it a try? First and foremost, you have to really be committed. You have to WANT to do it, knowing it will be hard - but also knowing you can TOTALLY do it. It's truly empowering to practice self-control - in any form. I'm realizing it's not something I'm naturally good at (hence my crazy emotional food attachment issues...). Second, have a plan. What exactly will be your guidelines? Make sure it's something you can stick with, but that will be a challenge. And WHY are you doing it? What are your goals? Depending on how you already shop, I'd slowly start adding a few extra cans of tomatoes here and a few extra boxes of cereal there - and when you find a great deal on meat - buy three and freeze them! Like Dave Ramsey always says, "If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else!" The sacrifice is well worth the reward - which is getting that much closer to your financial goals and hopefully making some lasting changes to the way you view spending. If you don't care about all that saving mumbo jumbo and competition is more your thing, then -
I dare you.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I'm no expert of course, but I'm always down to lend a helping hand or give a little moral support. You can totally do this!!!
* All images in this post are iphone images and not a reflection of my professional work. Just had to throw that in there. ;-)