You might remember this adorably sweet face from his session last October {which you can see by clicking HERE}. I can't believe how much he's grown since then!! Mom wants to send out Easter cards this year, so for a portion of the session we did a little Easter theme. I love doing stuff like this! All Mr. R wanted to do was pull each egg out of the basket to inspect and was not the slightest bit interested in Mom and I dancing and being silly!! I love his eyes and his adorable expressions... I also love his Mama!!!! Is she not the most gorgeous and tiny pregnant woman you've seen?? They just found out Mr. R will be a big brother to a little.... sister!!!! I can't wait for her to get here so I can take her pictures too!! Such a sweet, sweet family... Enjoy the sneak peek - and thank you again C Family!!
just because... {Bristol, VA Children's Photographer}
One of my goals for this year {and every year, really} is to be better at taking pictures of my kiddos. Trust me, I'd take so many more if they were cooperative. Maybe it's because they've had a camera shoved in their face since they were born or because they know how badly I want pictures of them or some other random reason... but whatever it is - I can't seem to find the secret to getting them in front of the camera {happily}. I also want to respect their feelings and try not to ever force them to take pictures {although I've had my moments...} However, every blue moon they are up for it and I take advantage of it every time!!
The other day I got a couple new backdrops in the mail and was setting them up. The odd shape of the box captured their attention immediately and they helped me get them all set up. I told them they could play on them if I could take pictures he he... Of course it didn't last long, but I'll take what I can get.
My son is so hard to shoot because he literally never stops moving and the blocks were way more interesting than I was. I love how he sticks out his little tongue whenever he's concentrating. Now my daughter is another story... oh my. She will hold still, but can I get her to make a normal face? Rarely!! Haha! Neither one of them is lacking any personality - which is a good thing. I didn't snap any of my baby boy this time around because he was sleeping {allowing me to get a few shots of his siblings!} and who wakes a sleeping baby? Not me! I sure love these crazies!!
Kristi at 18 months - sneak peek {Bristol, VA Children's Photographer}
I am also the lucky aunt to this cutie pa-toot-ie!!! I forget what a challenging age this is to photograph... she gave us a run for our money, that's for sure - but thankfully my two oldest kiddos were there to help catch her attention for split seconds at a time or I don't know if we would have gotten any! She simply loves my daughter... We love having her in our lives and it's been such a joy watching her grow up into a sweet and silly little girl! Enjoy...
this is for YOU. {thoughts on pricing}
Once photography was simply a hobby and a passion... But now I look around and feel so fortunate to do what I love for a living - and I love every minute of it (well, almost every minute)!! Over this past year I have been so blessed. Brandilyn Davidson Photography has been expanding quite quickly during the past several months. In light of this, I have decided to completely restructure the way I offer my products to clients. But before I do, I thought it would be helpful to share some behind the scenes info on the editing process and the amount of work that goes into producing high-quality images from what may seem like a relatively brief photo session or event.
Most professional photographers will spend anywhere from five to over twenty minutes (!) thoroughly editing each individual image from your session. Each image undergoes a series of fine-tuned adjustments to important aspects of the photograph such as cropping, tone, exposure, contrast, white balance, and sharpening - just to name a few. Many photos require additional work - including but not limited to: blemish removal, color and texture effects (ex. vintage, retro, black & white), skin smoothing, background editing, etc. I've included just one example below:
Taking the info above into consideration - a typical wedding package includes roughly 200-300 finished images and can take up to several weeks to complete. This makes the seven or eight hours a photographer spends actually taking photos on the wedding day just a small fraction of the time required to produce the final products.