hello sun {tri cities tn portrait photographer}

Spring is officially in the air and I couldn't be happier!!!  I really hate the winter.  The first couple times it snows is fun and all, we went sledding and played in the snow and all that jazz, but by January and February... I am soooo ready for WARMTH and SUN.  Winter out here in the Tennessee mountains is nothing like winter in California where I grew up... But - to look on the bright side, tne thing I do love about the harsh, horribly cold winters is that spring is SO MUCH more beautiful and welcomed than if it were warm and sunny year-round.  When those tulips start popping up and you remember "oh yeah - the color green!" again... it's like AHHHHHhhhhhhhh Spring.  I love you.  It just makes me feel happy!

As I mentioned in my last post, things have been a bit slow on the photography front.  My never ending to-do list is still {and always will be} full, but I am slowly checking things off - and even better {and I LOVE my lists!} is that I've had more time to hang with my kiddos and friends and get the house back in some sort of order!  

The other day while the kids and I were playing outside enjoying the warm weather I grabbed my camera and snapped a few of the spring "details" around our yard and thought I'd share them with you.  What do you love best about Spring?

Oh!  One fun thing I started doing a few days ago is a "Photo-A-Day" on my facebook page.  Come check it out and share your pictures with me!  I'd love to see what you're taking pictures of each day  =)  Also - a giveaway is in the works!!  Stay tuned... AND {last thing I swear}: if you have a baby or toddler girl ages 0-3 and would like to have her model some super cute tutus and/or headbands for an upcoming shoot - please contact me with her age and a recent pic.  Thanks!!