Mr. Jayden & Miss Alayna - sneak peek {kingsport tn childrens photographer}

So I get a call this morning from Mom who's on her way to Johnson City for the day (they live about an hour and a half away).  She says, "This is probably crazy to even ask you this, but could you take pictures of my two kids today?"  Sure!!  It just so happened that I had my morning free, so we squeezed in an impromptu session for Jayden and Alayna - who both have birthdays this week!  The weather may look nice in the pics, but it was fffrrrrreeeeezzzzinnnngg!!!!  The poor kiddos were shivering and shaking, but we somehow managed to snag some adorable shots of them.  Big brother was AWESOME and such a good sport.  We ended the session with a drive back to my studio for a few {much warmer} shots!!  Enjoy your sneak peek guys - so glad I was able to spend time with you all today!!  Happy Birthday to Jayden and Alayna!!!  =)