The L Family - sneak peek {johnson city tn family photographer}

I could seriously take pictures of this family every day.  No joke.  I first met them when I took Miss Aubrey's pictures back in November.  She was so happy, sweet and SO EASY to take pictures of!!  And to top it off, she stinkin' adorable!!!  This time I had the pleasure taking the whole family's pictures - along with Dad's parents who were in town for the weekend.  I think it had warmed up a TAD {key word: tad} from this morning, but it was still super cold.  However, it was perfectly overcast which makes for gorgeous lighting.  Miss Aubrey was also celebrating her 1st birthday, so we ended our session back at the studio to get some {warmer} shots of her in her birthday girl outfit.  The poor thing was worn out and her little teeth hurt, so you'll be seeing more of her birthday pics in the next few weeks when she's feeling better.  Thanks again you guys - and enjoy your sneak peek!!